Friday, April 18, 2008

Sorry for No Recent Posts...

I apologize for not having recent posts I've been working on a few, but I've been really, really, really distracted by school and other projects are taking up a great deal of my attention. So please bear with me, I will be posting soon finals start next week so once I'm through that posts should be coming more often. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Wrong, once you get done with all of that, you're going to be distracted by a certain sister of mine.


Anonymous said...

I have come across your blog here, and see you are converting. I was wandering what your basis is? See i have been looking into the church, and just like to know why people think its right or what they find appealing about it? I am having a lot of trouble but to my understanding so far it doesn't make much sense. I just wanted to know your opinion i really don't want to talk to a missionary or someone like that because they are already part of the church and been influenced by it. I am just wandering what your thoughts are and what made it seem right to you?

Bobby said...

First off thank you for reading, and I really hope I can help you.

Well my first question is have you read the Book of Mormon? If not I highly recommend it. I know it is a big undertaking but it is so spiritually rewarding. I began reading it with the intention of finding faults and holes in it, but I came away with the a clearing understanding of Christ and the knowledge of groups of His people.

My basis is the Spirit. I know this is very vague and when friends would talk about it I would just turn my head to the side in puzzlement. The Holy Spirit, I feel, is best described in Alma 32:28,
"Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me."
This is the Spirit. When I go to Church, read the scriptures, pray, or speak of the Gospel I feel a "burning in my bosom" (kind of a weird term, I know) that is the Spirit.

There were many different things that attracted me to the Church. I had always wondered why there had been prophets throughout time but none today (or I thought there were none today) but this Church is lead by a true prophet of God. Another thing is the Temple. The Temple had been lost to the word for centuries but was restored by Joseph Smith. In the Temple many different ordinances are made including "sealing". Sealing is done to family members so they may be together in Heaven. Unlike other marriages, marriages in the Temple last forever, even after death. Things like the Word of Wisdom amazed me and I knew had to have been revelation, because it was so correct and so different than the information available at the time. There is a very strong emphasis on the family in the Church, and many aspects revolve around the family. The Church is a tight-knit community that always help one another and are very close with one another. There really are so many things (Sorry for having such a hodgepodge listed, just had a few pop into my head).

Now the Church is hard to understand and there is a lot of misinformation out there, especially on the internet. Like researching anything you need to check your sources. I would recommend is a really good place to start. I believe there is also a way to anonymously chat with a missionary online, maybe that would help? I hope to be a good research at some point (I'm kind of just in my beginnings...). But I can recommend to great blogs that talk about Gospel and the Church
1. Weightier Matters - ( - A blog by Craig - Great insight into many aspects of the Gospel, really explains a lot of policies and beliefs held by the members of the Church.
2. Mormanity - ( - A blog by Jeff Lindsay - talks about a wide range of LDS topics and has a great deal of scientific and historical information about the Book of Mormon

Another great site for research is Jeff Lindsay's LDS FAQ - (

I know I've thrown a lot at you at once. If you have any specific aspects you would like to talk about feel free to comment here, or email me at If you have any questions at all please e-mail me. I really encourage you to keep looking into the Church is so rewarding: I know this is the true Church of Jesus Christ and that we do indeed have a prophet on the earth as in the days of old, the Book of Mormon is a true testament of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and I know you will get so much if you keep pushing forward and further look into the Church.

Again email me about anything (

Craig said...

Welcome back. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
