Wednesday, May 28, 2008

True Knowledge of the Gospel

I was speaking with a friend of mine about the Church and she said she believed that I "know more" about the scriptures and such (I don't actually believe I do, she knows a lot more than she gives herself credit for ;) but nonetheless...). But what is "knowledge"? She meant it as I am able to rattle off some scripture, maybe a date or two, and maybe cite some apologetic research about certain things in support of the Book of Mormon. But does that "knowledge" really matter in terms of the Church? Sure it's good to be able to cite a verse or rattle off a few facts, but really is that what gets you into His Kingdom of Glory? No, it's faith.

Now don't get me wrong I still think studying scripture and memorizing and such is a good thing, but only if it is done in accompaniment of the Holy Ghost. Words are empty and meaningless unless they come with the Holy Ghost. So I think the "knowledge" we should put emphasis on is the knowledge of the Spirit. There are plenty that do not know specific facts or scriptures but that does not mean that their faith is any weaker than that of a scholar in matters of the Gospel.

I've heard some great talks by some of the most articulate speakers, and I have heard talks where the diction and vocabulary is not as vibrant, or the words are not always painted into beautiful sentences and many times that talk that is not as polished and refined as the former is so much more powerful; that is because you can feel the person's testimony and faith through the Spirit. It is not about the words, it's what is behind those words that matter.

I really do believe some of the best talks are not from great orators who have studied public speaking for years, it's the timid person who when you look in his or her eye you can feel how powerful their faith is. My aforementioned friend is such a person. She's one of those people who does not always know the answer in Sunday School, or is able to rattle off verses word by word, but she has one of the strongest testimonies I have ever encountered. When she speaks, she speaks directly to the Spirit, and that is what is important. I know she loves the Gospel so much and I hope one day I too can reach that level, that level of faith. So I say to her now, that she is actually, by far, the more knowledgeable one, for I know of few who have as great a knowledge, and companionship, of, and with, the Spirit.

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