Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Establishing One's Own Testimony

In my last post I discussed the importance of developing a personal testimony of the Gospel, I would like to expand on that point a bit more.  Currently, I am at home on Christmas break.  On Christmas Eve, I attended a Episcopalian midnight church service with my parents.  It was a very nice service as always, and one part of the pastor's sermon really stuck with me.  He spoke to the congregation telling them they needed to find God and His word on their own; they have to read the Gospel for themselves.  Too many rely on their belief which is simply built on tradition or on what church leaders or authorities tell them, not from finding or developing a belief, or testimony, of their own.  I was surprised he was 'calling-out' the congregation in this manner, but I agreed completely, and so does much of the Church of Jesus Christ I believe.  The Church encourages members to find and develop their own testimony of the validity of the Church and the Gospel as a whole.

Often in talks one may hear a member speak of a time when they relied on the testimony of their parents, before they developed their own.  I think this problem is all too common for many people, whether of this Church or of another, one cannot rely on others to find the truth; they must discover it on their own and have it confirmed by the Holy Ghost.  One cannot know or understand the Gospel, or God for that matter, unless they discover and confirm it themselves.  This may sound like a lot of work, and perhaps for some finding a testimony is, but it really is a blessing that we have the freedom to choose to follow the Gospel.  This blessing is our agency.

Agency is our freedom of choice.  It is an essential part of the Plan of Salvation.  We choose to find a testimony or not, but whatever our choice may be it is our own and we must take full personal responsibility.  The concept of agency does not refute or attempt to falsify God's all-powerful or all-knowing nature, in fact, agency is really a testament of Heavenly Father's love for His children.  He still knows what we will choose, and He does indeed have the power to force us to do things, but because of His love, for us, He allows us to make that decision on our own.  One, whether man or deity, cannot establish a testimony for you, that would infringe on the freedom of choice we all have.  Agency is essential, and is why one must develop a testimony on his or her own.  

This agency must also be used in gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon.  Now it is up to the individual whether to test it or not, but if they do decide to seek out its validity, they need to test it themselves through the Holy Ghost, not rely on others beliefs or feelings.

I stumbled upon a page on Catholic.com that is entitled "Problems with the Book of Mormon", well after a title like that I just had to read on.  And I have to say the title was perhaps not best suited for the actual contents of the article.  It talked mostly of ways of 'not getting fooled by the Book of Mormon' and really only two claims of invalidity (I actually might do a post on this article later, just because I like it so much, but for the sake of not getting completely off track, I should move on).  At the end of the article it states, 
Tell the Mormon missionaries: "Look, it is foolish to pray about things you know are not God’s will. It would be wrong of me to pray about whether adultery is right, when the Bible clearly says it is not. Similarly, it would be wrong of me to pray about the Book of Mormon when one can so easily demonstrate that it is not the word of God."
Well firstly one could still pray about adultery if he or she really desired I guess, but the reason we probably don't need to is because it is blatantly commanded that it is a sin.  As for the Book of Mormon part, I don't remember the commandment about God saying scripture is wrong...  Jesus however did warn us "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves," (Matthew 7:15) therefore we should test all things by means of the Holy Ghost if they are indeed true and good.  Without that confirmation we are lost and cannot know the truth.

I urge everyone to read the Book of Mormon earnestly and to truly pray of its validity and if one truly does so I know they will find a testimony of its truth.  And not only is this true for the Book of Mormon but in all things, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" (James 1:5).  I can truly testify this is the only way one may find truth, and I testify of this in Christ's name. Amen.


Ben said...

Great point. Expanding upon agency as a freedom to choose as more a freedom to choose good or evil, to choose Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ or Satan. We can choose to whom we give our own personal will at any time. Sometimes choices may be restricted as we are forced into certain situations, but we have the freedom to choose to give our wills to Jesus Christ no matter what the circumstance. I believe that is the test of life, whether we will willingly give ourselves to Christ and His gospel. Until we have our own testimony, it is as if we are just giving in to pressure, from parents or peers or what have you, not giving up our wills to God.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bobby
I stumbled across your blog on LDS BLOGS. I thought you mighe be interested in a site my wife and I just built called MormonsMadeSimple.com, which uses simple, explanatory videos to explain the Mormon faith. Feel free to feature any of these videos on your blog, or just share them with non-member friends. We're hoping these videos will be missionary tools to help members share their beliefs. Anyway, sorry to spam your comments section. I couldn't find any contact information for you on your blog.

- Doug & Laurel

Anonymous said...


My name is Joseph Newell, I'm a member in Utah that is just about to leave for Guadalajara on a mission for the Lord. I was doing research for my not-farewell talk about Ammon, and found your blog.

I just want to thank you for recording your inspirational story. It really reaffirmed my testimony of the work being done right now, and the work that I will be participating in in just 1 month.

Best of luck,
Elder Newell

Rhett said...

Great post!