Sunday, February 3, 2008

My First 'Real' Fast Sunday

Today, much of America sits down together around the television to watch the Super Bowl with their assorted foodstuffs: potato chips, tortilla chips, buffalo wings, jalapeno pretzels, cheese, meat, crackers, assorted sodas, etc (can't tell I'm getting a bit hungry can you?). I too am one of those Americans enjoying the Super Bowl, but I won't be one of the ones enjoying stuffing my face during it, no, not this year. Today is my first 'Fast Sunday' where I am fasting for something. Back when I was allowed to go to Church, I had been to previous Fast Sundays, watching everyone bear their Testimonies, building my own Testimony, and strongly feeling the Spirit.

A week or two ago a great friend of mine out at BYU, talked to me about the upcoming first Sunday of the month. She knows all about my love of the Church and desire to be baptized, and she is just as well acquainted with the problems that lay before me and my baptism. She told me that she had told a lot of her friends and family about me and the issues that I am facing, and they were planning on fasting and praying for me this Fast Sunday. When I heard this I was taken aback. I couldn't believe that people that had never even met me would be so concerned about me and help me without even thinking twice. I can't express how grateful I am to those who are helping so very much with their prayers and their sacrifices. All of these people are so full of charity, doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. Seeing this type of charity is a little surprising to me, I've never had so many do so much for me. Thank you all.

In the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 26:30, there is a definition of charity. "Charity is love" (2 Nephi 26:30). When I first read this I was a little confused, but after interacting a great deal with many different members of the Church I feel as if I understand it now. All the members I have met have always welcomed me in with open arms, trying to help me as much as possible. They don't do this for personal gain, or as 'repayment' for something I have done for them. They do it fully out of charity; they do it out of love. They love the Church and they truly want to share that feeling the Church gives them with others.

This is a thing I've noticed about the Church, how members just give unconditionally. Now I'm not saying one doesn't find this in other churches and groups, but I have experienced so many different examples of charity, with the Church. One example is when I first (also the only time...) went to Church here at college. I walked to the Stake Center and immediately when I got to the parking lot a very nice woman approached me. She knew that I wasn't a member of the Stake, and she asked about me. I told her I was a "very, very serious investigator", but not yet a member because my parents did not want me to join, just yet. She asked how I got to Church and I told her I walked from campus. When she heard this she was very surprised, she called her husband and her son over. She said, "Look at this boy here he walked two miles from campus and he's not even a member." I was pretty embarrassed, it really was not a big deal. And then she immediately said, "We would just be more than happy to drive you if you need a ride or anything." She was just the first of many to unselfishly offer me a ride or any type of help I needed. I appreciate so much all the kindness and unselfish acts I have experienced from these members of the Church.

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