Saturday, February 2, 2008

Why the Name "Admirer of Ammon"?

I chose the name "Admirer of Ammon" in rememberence of the great missionary in the Book of Mormon, Ammon. A good portion of the story takes place in the Book of Alma chapters 17-19, but his story is continued later in Alma. (Just a head's up if you already have a knowledge of the Book of Mormon you can basically skip the next paragraph, if not, enjoy.)

Ammon began as a skeptic of the Church of Christ and tried to turn people away from the teachings of the prophets; that is until a life changing encounter with an angel caused him to fully come unto the Gospel of Jesus Christ. From that point on he, his three brothers, and Alma the younger devoted themselves to God's work. He and his brothers felt they should teach the Gospel to their brethren, an apostate group, the Lamanites. Ammon went to one of the kings of the Lamanites, King Lamoni, and declared himself as a servant to the king; Ammon was assigned to help attend to the king's flocks. Ammon, in a miraculous feat, defended the flocks from a great number of thieves. He smote of many of their arms in defense of the king's property. He used the arms as evidence of the thieves attack. King Lamoni was taken aback and inquired as to how Ammon could pull-off such a great feat. Ammon then used this opportunity to preach unto the King of the ways of God. The King and many of his people were then converted, thanks to Ammon's missionary work in the land.

Okay, that is a very,very simplified version of the story of Ammon, but I just wanted to give those who had never heard it the basic gist of it. I have a great admiration of Ammon. He is an amazing example to all, of how we should go to great lengths to preach the Gospel. and act as an instrument in the saving of many's souls. I hope to be somewhat like Ammon (granted I'm not the best at chopping off people's arms...), to be an "instrument in the hands of God to bring, if it were possible, their brethren... to the knowledge of the truth" (Alma 17:9).

On a somewhat related side note there is a interesting Foundation of Ancient Research and Mormon Studies' (FARMS) article by Bruce H. Yerman entitled, Ammon and the Mesoamerican Custom of Smiting Off Arms (The article can be found at The article states,

Cutting off an enemy's arm in battle not only rendered him utterly helpless but also netted the victor a grisly trophy to carry from the scene of battle that would validate his prowess in hand-to-hand combat. Documents from Mexico and Guatemala reveal such a pre-Columbian custom.
I apologize to those with weak stomachs, but I cite this evidence in support of the Book of Mormon. I pose a rhetorical question, How would a 'country boy' farmer, with a education level that on par with a fourth grader, from a rural area in New York, in 1830 "come up with" something so specific, that we know have found actual evidence supporting it? The chances he simply 'made it up' are slim to none. Joseph Smith could not have known the arms of enemies were used as "trophies", just as they were used by Ammon when he presented them to King Lamoni. This is just one small example of culture, technology, and customs in the Book of Mormon that have recently been discovered, through archaeological evidence to be true of Mesoamerican groups (the most probable location of the Book of Mormon). Evidence like this just help me build my testimony that I know the Book of Mormon is true and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is, truly, God's Church here on earth.


Anonymous said...

i wanted to comment on your "proof" on the book of mormon. I find that hardly proof. They cut off arms??? I do not hate mormons. You are right they should not have to defend themselves. But really they attack everyone else by claiming they are the absolute right and trying to push it on everyone else. I struggle with it because after looking into it i can't stand to see good people lied to and controlled. the church controls your life. when i mess up or feel as if i have sinned or not been a good person, i pray i go to church i ask for forgiveness and then I work to make it better. When you are mormon you have to talk to someone nor god, to the bishop. plus the church is run like a business it is run by men who claim to be prophets. How do they chose there isnt a vote? He claims to have talked to god. when the bible states that the prophets ended with Jesus. Plus i have come across quotes by Joseph Smith that say things such as He will be the most powerful and remembered person in history, and such i do not remember the exact quotes. Also president Hinkley himself said mormons beleive in a different Jesus that appeared in the bible. Mormons contradict themselves too much.

Michael Snow said...

to anonymous:

Thanks for your comment.
I do just what you do when I've made mistakes. I confess them in prayer to God and work with Him to overcome them and be forgiven. We are forgiven by God through Christ's atonement, not a Bishop, though a Bishop is an additional source of help for people who need it.

You said that the Bible states the prophets ended with Jesus, yet Jesus guided the Church through the 12 apostles (as He does today).

Plus the Book of Revelations prophesies of two prophets being killed in Jerusalem before the second coming. In Ephesians Paul explains that the Church is "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;" Tons of other references are available if you want them. Plus you can pray, God knows all the answers.

Go on utube or something and check out what the LDS Apostles have to say. It just might change your life.

"By their fruits shall ye know them" -Jesus Christ

let me know if you have any questions

have a good one,
